Fortnite Removed From Apple App Store Due To Changed Payment Policy

Apple removed Fortnite from the Apple Store after Epic introduced a new in-app payment method that bypassed the 30% commission charged by all the Apple and Google. Epic has already taken legal action.

Epic Games has just arrived at a policy that directly challenges the control of Google and Apple. And that has ended with the removal of Fortnite from the App Store. As explained in a new entry, and Epic has permanently lowered the price, by 20%, off turkeys, and purchases within Fortnite.

This applies to all platforms and games: console, PC, and mobile, but it is due to the conditions of the latter that Epic makes this decision.

It does it for a particular reason: to save the 30% commission that Google store and Apple charge for the purchases of all the applications they put in their apple stores. To do this, Epic has installed an in-app purchase method on iOS and Android, which pays Epic directly without going through Apple and Google payment methods.


The problem is that this maneuver violates the rules of the two stores, which require that all purchases made within the application must go through their payment gateways. As a result, Apple has barely taken hours to remove Fortnite from the App Store.

So, it\’s very Epic Games has made the unfortunate decision to violate App Store and laws, which have been applied fairly to all developers, and makers the designed to keep the store safe for users and apple lovers.

So, as a result, their Fortnite app has been all removed from the apple store. Epic implemented a feature in their app that was not seen and approved by Apple, and they did so with the express desire to violate App Store laws, the company said in a statement.

In response, Epic has officially announced that it will take legal action against Apple.

Previously, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has already complained about the 30% commission charged by companies like Apple and Google with third-party developers, which he described as unjustifiable.